BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About searches > Using Key Find

Using Key Find

Key Find is the simplest of the Meridian search methods. A system administrator can designate especially important properties in a vault as Key Find properties. Key Find properties are typically those that get searched frequently and store a different value for every document in a vault. Key Find properties can be identified on property pages by the Key Find icon to the right of the property value.

Performing a Key Find search on a property is very simple:

  1. Click the Key Find icon to the right of the property you want to search. The Key Find dialog box appears. The search property defaults to the property nearby the icon that you clicked. The search value defaults to the value of that property for the selected document. The search condition is always Starts with and cannot be changed.
  2. Select a different property from Property or accept the default. Only properties designated by a system administrator as Key Find properties appear in the list.
  3. Type a different search value or accept the default and click Find Now. If any documents are found, the dialog expands to list the results. Only the first 250 documents appear in the list. Click 250 More to view additional documents.
  4. Double-click a document or select a document and click Go to to make the selected document the selected document.

Although Key Find is easy to use, there are several common actions that you cannot do with Key Find:

To perform these actions and others, use one of the more advanced search methods.

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